Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Grammar! It’s what we all learned in school, but there were so many rules that it’s easy to forget some of them, especially years after we’ve graduated. And for those of us who haven’t written for a living or used written grammar in our everyday work, it becomes even harder to recall everything we learned.

For instance, what is a participle, and what, for heaven’s sake, is a dangling participle? If grammar questions like these plague you when you sit down to write, you can sign up to receive daily grammar lessons plus archive past lessons at:
http://www.dailygrammar.com/archive.shtml, This is a fascinating site worth checking out even if you think you remember everything you learned.

If you do remember all the rules, let me know your secret to perfect recall. I could certainly use a little help, even though I’ve made my living at this for more than 20 years.

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