Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Internet fails to cooperate

While you’ve been wondering where this issue of the newsletter is (I’m probably dreaming here, but you have been anxiously awaiting it, haven’t you?) I’ve been having lots of problems getting online. We’re staying the same place as last year, but this year little gremlins seem to have stolen our Internet signal. What used to take minutes now takes hours to achieve. So I apologize for sending this so late this month.

What’s disturbing is that I’m also completing research for my book on history, and my connections to the Internet move at glacial speed. I find that by the time I finally bring up a page I requested, I’ve forgotten what it was I needed. This could be attributed to advancing age, but I prefer to believe that no one can remember details for as long as these connections require. Yep, that’s what it is! I’m sure that’s it.

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