Saturday, June 02, 2007


  • Getting your self-published book printed
  • Green RVing - yes it is possible!


My new book, Looking Back: Boomers Remember History from the '40s to the Present is still being edited, but as soon as I get it back and make needed changes, it will be on its way to the publisher. The name has gone through a couple of changes that the editor suggested, and I've decided she's right. It is a compilation of history as seen through the eyes of those who lived it! and includes 2 poems and 17 essays contributed by writers and other extraordinary Americans who lived through that timespan - from World War II through Katrina and beyond. The final chapter covers future challenges we all face as we look forward.

Look for my soon-to-be-announced release date, which will probably be in July. This is a book that everyone who wants to reminisce about the past can enjoy as they read stories submitted by people who were personally involved in history-making moments as well as those who were only witnesses as events swirled around them.

History is a living, breathing document that continues to evolve. It is there for all of us to recall and enjoy its most memorable moments - both good and bad.

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